Legal Status

NTS is working as a Not-for-Profit Company Limited by Guarantee - not having a share capital under Section 42 of the Companies Act 2017 regulated by SECP.

Status of the Company : PSC, PIC and SOE
Company Registration No. : 00000003304/20030401
Company Registration Date: April 30, 2003
Company NTN: 2680612-6

The Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has issued the License No. CLD/CO.42/63/2003 on April 17, 2003.

Academic and other Committees:

NTS has constituted following committees which comprise of experts:

    Academic Committee consists of eminent university professors responsible for developing the curricula, along with regulating and promoting consistent testing

    Executive Committee comprises of all HODs and nominees that look after the operational affairs of NTS.

    Peer Review Committee consists of eminent university professors solely responsible for quality assurance of test contents and test items.
    Subject Committee lays down proper standards of curriculum, so as to regulate and promote the standards for testing in a specific subject: numerous test item developers also work under this committee.
    MCQ Contributors Committee consists of educational experts from primary to professional level faculty members from colleges and universities, who help in building authentic Test Item bank.

Institutional Capacity and Network:

Institutional Capacity and Network:

  • 250 full time employees.
  • 10,000 highly trained personnel for test proctoring.
  • Capable of conducting paper-based test for 300,000 candidates in 68 cities and computer-based tests in 45 cities of Pakistan simultaneously.
  • Capable of processing 100,000 application forms per day.
  • 350 institutions are on panel as test centers.
  • About 3000 test item contributors from prestigious universities and reputed professional organizations.
  • Test Item Bank contains more than 600,000 test items in about 77 well-known disciplines of Engineering, IT, Medicine, Management, Natural and Social Sciences.